
De un hombre


Mastered Disciplines
Honestly, I can’t say with certainty that I have one profession. My surreal life has led me to a passion for painting, writing, technology, art, and anything that allows me to be creative. I’m a polymath, and in each new project I’m involved, I mix my knowledge and the disciplines I master to give the world something worth looking at.
I’m also terrible at making jokes シ
Traveling the world of creators, we select a carefully curated collection of beautiful and practical products for your interior. Our ambition in this new adventure is for Craftis to become an ambassador for the contemporary creators of New York.
The very first thing any craftsman have to consider is whether they want to earn money or if they just want to create work as a hobby. Pottery can very quickly lead to the point where even an amateur will have to reconsider the purpose of their creations.
Selling pottery to the public and offering services from your studio means that it must be accessible to the public. You have to choose an aproppriate place and consider certain state and city laws as well as general safety laws that are important to obey.
Home based businesses are often popular, because it may be a cheaper option and it is possible that you can subtract a part of your home from taxes. Mothers can take care of their own children when they are not in school and combine work with home routine.
“Quiero olvidar lo que fui y recordar lo que soy. Olvidar a dónde fui, pero saber a dónde voy”
Fifth pottery workshop coming soon
Ceramic glaze is probably the most common form of decoration, that also serves as protection to the pottery by being tough.
208 Patterson ave, Of. 20
September 16, sunday
“Quiero olvidar lo que fui y recordar lo que soy. Olvidar a dónde fui, pero saber a dónde voy”